So there goes another wintry extra holiday. Poor snow staffs, they couldn't do anything to clean up the roads and the sidewalks. This is definitely the part I like about studying in the USA. In return of the extra holiday, most of us will be throwing snowballs at each other. Snowman is everywhere. Not to mention the other version of the snowman.

I got 3 quizzes this morning. Wish me luck. Then, the exam on Monday was pretty good. I just circled 5 questions out of 40. For this course (Human Development) we have 4 midterms and no final. If I am about to get an A for this class, I can't get more than 14 wrongs. That means 3.5 wrongs for each midterm. Hell yeah... that's quite critical.

Lastly, I wish happy 21st birthday to Mahirah & Adila. Semoga berbahagia dunia dan akhirat. Semoga dipermudahkan segala kerja yang baik itu...

so long

Posted by Ahmad Fadzli on February 4, 2004 at 9:32:00 PM | Permalink