I was so busy in the past 2 weeks. Not that I was studying. Hell no... The truth is I was busy HAVING FUN. Yep.. having fun.. Every night and day.
In the past weekends, we had ISC soccer tourney, International Cultural show, Spring BBQ, Movin' On 2004 (with Bowling for Soup) and just yesterday, Soul Calibur 2 tourney. The Juban did a perfomance during the BBQ and it was awesome. The tari and silat perfomances during the cultural show were also awesome. And to top it, I won the SC2 tourney [click here]. Thanks to all participants... You guys are really sappenings.
Oh God... How I love my friends here....
The weather in the past 2 weeks was nice and I found myself enjoying every minutes that I had with my friends. Not that I totally forgot about studying. Indeed I didnt skip classes anymore. Homework, quizzes, exams... all of them were good. I found myself settled and this is already good to begin with. The final week is sitting on my eyelid.
So, wish me goodluck!
and dont forget to try Google's new service: https://gmail.google.com
Some pics before I leave...
Posted by Ahmad Fadzli on April 26, 2004 at 2:08:00 PM | Permalink
Took an IQ test by tickle.com after subuh and found out that I am a Visual Mathematician. What??! Why am i troubled with math then? Is it because math exams are not "visual" ??
Congratulations, Ahmad!
Your IQ score is
This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.
Your Intellectual Type is Visual Mathematician. This means you are gifted at spotting patterns — both in pictures and in numbers. These talents combined with your overall high intelligence make you good at understanding the big picture, which is why people trust your instincts and turn to you for direction — especially in the workplace
And then I changed my bg music again. Enuf of gersang songs from inteam. Now it's jazz time!
Diana Krall
The Look of Love
The look of love
Is in your eyes
The look your smile can't disguise
The look of love
Is saying so much more
Than just words could ever say
And what my heart has heard
Well it takes my breath away
I can hardly wait to hold you
Feel my arms around you
How long I have waited
Waited just to love you
Now that I have found you
You've got the look of love
It's on your face
A look that time can't erase
Be mine tonight
Let this be just the start
Of so many nights like this
Let's take a lover's vow
And then seal it with a kiss
I can hardly wait to hold you
Feel my arms around you
How long I have waited
Waited just to love you
Now that I have found you
Don't ever go
Don't ever go
I love you so
I can hardly wait to hold you
Feel my arms around you
How long I have waited
Waited just to love you
Now that I have found you
Don't ever go
Don't ever go
Don't ever go....
Posted by Ahmad Fadzli on April 10, 2004 at 6:23:00 PM | Permalink
Felt so damn happy because i made it to the morning class today. Well.. that costs me not sleeping last night. But that's okay, at least i got the feeling back; Fresh and Energetic.
As for the improvement that I've made, I think I wanna do something creative. Something like oja the bacteria freak does. Quoting lecture notes here. Neither Phys nor Cal notes.. that's crazee. I'll just post something short about what I've learned in my human development class. Something that all of us concern about...
I read my own blog frequently and i think by doing this, all those notes will be embroided in my head for real.
Well... we are learning about divorce now. Of coz it has to do with the average of divorced couples in the United States. Can you imagine? 60% of married couples will divorce. wth? that's more than half.
I learned about the 4 things that lead to divorces
These are the result of a study done by John Gottman about divorces. We watched a video of him just now...

According to Gottman, when these 4 factors are present or common/typical, that's when a divorce is inevitable.
I guess that's all for today. Did something stupid after the class with Awie. We were chasing Malaysians for a free meal at the HUB. We saw izza and aisyah but did nothing except hiding behind the pillars. Not letting to be seen. The funny part is, we didn't get any free breakfast :D and we went home hoping to jump into other Malaysians... keh keh keh... bodola ko awie!
Here's an upcoming event at Penn State. It's the month of Music and the X-ecutioners are coming here, for free!
Movin' On 2004
Posted by Ahmad Fadzli on April 9, 2004 at 11:03:00 PM | Permalink
Lama aku tak 'bercakap' dengan jurnal. Tentu 'die' menganggap aku seorang yang pentingkan diri sendiri. Heh...
Hari rabu agak ok. Homework cemerlang. Cuma kelas kol 9 pagi jer aku tak pegi. Bangun lewat 5 minit... terus rasa malas. Mintak2lah takde kuiz ke ape. Then last class tghhari ade kuiz.. alhamdulillah, awie kasik aku tiru lagik... haha.. terpaksa beb. Kalau fail subjek nih, mau balik malaysia aku! Mintak dijauhkan... Setakat nih alhamdulillah.. takde lagi 'failing' sabjek cam dulu. Harap aku terus istiqamah (konsisten).
Memang hasrat aku, dalam sebulan sebelum final nih, aku nak betulkan balik niat belajar aku. Betulkan kat mana silap aku. Cuba balik regain kekuatan. Cuba hilangkan perasaan malas. Aku nih... lagik nak dekat final, lagik malas... every semester gituh. Kompius betul.. orang lain sah2 makin bimbang.. makin rajin. So, azam aku, mula2 skali aku taknak ponteng kelas. Especially kelas hdfs pagi tuh. Nasib baik la kelas tuh ade 4 midterm and no final. And every midterm tak comprehensive... So, tak kesah kalau aku kantoi salah satu exam, I can still change the situation. First of all... jangan ponteng lagi dah....
Actually, aku baru bangun tgh malam tadi.. haha.. ape kejadahnye bangun tgh malam.. Waktu tidur aku skang memang serabut. Tak pernah tetap.. kejap2 tido kol 3 pagi, soknye tido kol 3 petang plak.. ish ish... Mana tak sakit kepala..
Aku ade hw kene siapkan nih.. Sedang orang lain tgh tido nih, baiklah aku siapkan mana yang perlu disiapkan. Mandi pun termasuk skalik hahaha! Static exam dalam 2 minggu lagik, then baru final weeks datang. So, eloklah kirenye aku stat membizikan diri mulai hari ini...
Masapsu plak banyak aktiviti nak buat. Semuanya dalam perancangan skang nih. Yang paling terdekat, kitorang ada bbq and international cultural fair... Bercakap mengenai masapsu nih, aku rasa aku laa mr vice yang paling tak boleh diharap. Patut nye.. aku kene la rajin2kan diri, bersosial... kenal2 orang... Orang kata tugas mr vice nih adalah untuk gain interests. Jumpe kelab nih.. jumpe kelab tuh.. tapik aku? duduk jer kat umah nih.. kawan dengan melayu.. cakap melayu.. makan masakan melayu.. takdek perkembangan langsung.. sedih.. Nak kata aku nih jenih tak bersosial tak jugak.. Aku rasala.. orang2 scorpio nih memang gini.. cepat berubah-ubah. Kejap2 ok.. kejap2 tak ok... bagi aku, it depends on my mood.. :D
Skang aku tgh obsessed ngan kete... wallpaper aku gambar keta mazda rx8 2004. Then aku tak puas hati ngan honda 2004 yang lambang die besar sikit tuh. Hish.. bile la aku nak keje, dapat keta senirik... Haih!!!
Posted by Ahmad Fadzli on April 8, 2004 at 4:42:00 PM | Permalink
I regained my self-esteem back. I got a paper tomorrow, wish me luck! :D
oh yes.. im helping enkadir promoting its new look. Visit enkadir in the form of a photoblog! click here
Changed my font and my bg song: A song for a vewy special person...
Lautan kematian ombak
Tenang pantai tiada terusik
Begitulah tasik hatiku
Sejak kehadiranmu
Betapa aku hargai
Anugerah syurga di dunia
Doa kudus aku panjatkan
Semoga dirahmati
Telahpun ku syukuri
Di dalam hidup ini
Cinta suci kurniaan Ilahi
Kejernihan wajahmu
Sempurna pada pandanganku
Kau kirana
Keturunan terpilih
Disanjung serta dihormati
Kau permata
Mengecap kekayaan dunia
Kau mestika
Ketaqwaan dirimu
Itu yang merantai jiwaku
Bukan aku memuji
Apalagi memuja
Salahkahku kagumi… perhiasan duniawi
Bisikan nuraniku
Engkaulah pilihanku
Akanku pertahankan
Amanah suci ini
Melodi: Manis Helma (Hijjaz Records)
Senikata: ITO Lara (Gurindam Entertainment)
Hakcipta : Hijjaz Records Sdn. Bhd.
sumber: http://www.hijjaz.co.my
Learned a new term while revising for the exam tomorrow. Androgyny is a functional level of gender-role indetifications that incorporates male and female qualities. Androgenous people are more creative than people who are either strongly masculine or feminine.
So, are you androgenous?
Posted by Ahmad Fadzli on April 5, 2004 at 2:16:00 PM | Permalink
i have no life... everybody was out and im playing dota!
Posted by Ahmad Fadzli on April 4, 2004 at 9:33:00 AM | Permalink
im a poor bastard and i can do nothing
Posted by Ahmad Fadzli on April 2, 2004 at 8:27:00 AM | Permalink